Cost and Benefit Analysis of Acquiring National Technical Qualification


본 연구는 국가기술자격 취득 및 운용에 지출되는 개인과 정부의 투자 비용을 산출하여 국가기술자격에 대한 투자 실태를 분석하고, 자격으로 인한 효과를 금전적, 비금전적 측면에서 분석하여 국가기술자격의 효과에 대한 정확한 자료를 제공하며, 그 효과를 높일 수 있는 개선 방안을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다.1. Introduction National technical qualification has the meaning of the human resource investment as same as vocational education and training in functional and quantitative aspects. Although there have been many studies about the cost and benefit analysis on the vocational education and training, cost and benefit analysis on acquisition of national technical qualification was provided by limited sources. This study tried to analyze the current status of investment on national technical qualification and to provide accurate information about the effects on national technical qualification using pecuniary and non-pecuniary methods. To achieve the purpose of this study, several research methods were employed. Those research methods included a review of related literatures, data analysis, consulting from specialists, and investigation and interviewing for the development of effective items of qualification system. 2. Value of national technical qualification Companies require the information about the ability of applicant, and the individual needs the information about the requirement for the job, and pecuniary and non-pecuniary compensation in the aspect of labor supply. The qualification plays an important role to fulfill this information as the same as the educational level. The relation between education level and qualification has substitutional relationship in the same aspect of delivery of market signal in the labor market. The acquisition of qualification intensify the delivery function of market signal by schooling. Therefore, the relation between schooling and qualification can be changed by the individual and marketable circumstances. Non-economic value of qualification has been extended in wide range. Self-development grants the important values to the companies and individuals. The specialty of individual task and adaptation to the task are ensured by the acquisition of qualification. These advantages contribute to the productivity improvement, and increase the profit directly or indirectly. Also, inspired achievement and pride has the positive effect on the improvement of quality of personal life. 3. Cost analysis of national technical qualification Financial operation of national technical qualification spent 80% of whole cost to the conduction of technical qualification. The expenditure for the practical test(79.9%) exceeded the expenditure for the written examination(20.1%). The cause of large expenditure for practical test consist in the transition state of written examination to the practical test, then purchasing the materials for practical test demands large cost. The income of Korea Manpower Agency consists of examination fee and registration fee after the acquisition of qualification. During 1995 to 1999, official approval income accounted for 6 to 7% of whole income as the income of registration, and 90% of income as the fee for official approval of qualification. The average period required for the acquisition of national technical qualification was 6.59 months and the average cost was 256,498 wons. The result of cost analysis for acquisition of national technical qualification suggested followings; First, the higher qualification grade, the more direct cost was consumed. Second, the workers from obligatory employment had more investment than the workers from general employment. But the difference was not significant. Third, direct investment cost had the highest position in the case of unemployment, and the second highest position was the employment status. The status of soldiers and students had the same aspect. Fourth, according to the industrial section, the ranking of average direct cost followed by these sequence; construction, manufacturing, service, electrical and waterworks. Fifth, the time required for the acquisition of qualification in women group was shorter than men. In the case of direct cost, investment cost to the women was lower than the cost to the men. 4. Benefit analysis of national technical qualification Benefit analysis of national technical qualification was divided by pecuniary and non-pecuniary effect. The average wage was analyzed for pecuniary effect based on the educational level, employment period, and existence of qualification. The characteristics were investigated by the analysis of average wage based on the job task, educational level, and age. The benefit was studied by the group of qualification grade and industrial sector. For non-pecuniary effect, the law was investigated as systematic benefit. The differences of wage benefit between holders and non-holders of national technical qualification were followings. First, the difference of average wage between holders and non-holders of national technical qualification was large in the group of low level of education. Second, the workers who had short employment period had more wage benefit than workers who has longer employment period. Third, monthly benefit based on the qualification grade was highest in the technician group among other skilled workers. Fourth, the highest status of qualification benefit in the industrial sector was architectural area, and the next level was environmental area. Fifth, the average wages of the qualification holders were higher in the task cooperation group than the group of task in-cooperation. Sixth, the average wages of qualification holders were higher in the task cooperation group than the group of task in-cooperation in aspect of the educational level. Seventh, the average wages of qualification holders based on ages and task cooperation level were high in the task cooperation group. Eighth, according to the level of status of obligatory employment and educational level, the qualification holders had higher average wages than non holders group. The main purpose of acquisition of national technical qualification was for employment, and the rest of the purpose was for future needs, and for helping current status. 5. Suggestions This study was conducted for cost and benefit analysis of national technical qualification. The followings are suggested for the re-enforcement of the operation of the vocational qualification systems. First, the financial support for the national technical qualification should be ensured. Second, cost of national technical qualification should be invested for the response to the needs from industrial and technological changes. Third, cost benefit analysis of national technical qualification should be conducted periodically to provide the information about the effective operation of national technical qualification system. Fourth, the development of task-oriented items of national technical qualification is needed in order to enhance the effect and usage of qualification in the industrial area..연구요약 Ⅰ. 서 론 1 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1 2. 연구의 내용 2 3. 연구의 방법 및 절차 4 4. 용어의 정의 11 5. 연구의 범위 및 제한점 13 Ⅱ. 국가기술자격제도의 일반 현황 15 1. 자격의 개념 및 기능 15 2. 자격의 유형 15 3. 국가기술자격제도의 변천과 현황 17 Ⅲ. 국가기술자격의 가치 25 1. 자격의 경제적 가치 25 2. 자격의 비경제적 가치 27 Ⅳ. 국가기술자격의 효과 분석 31 1. 국가기술자격의 정부 투자 현황 분석 31 2. 국가기술자격 취득에 소요되는 개인적 비용 분석 36 3. 국가기술자격의 효과 분석 43 4. 시사점 79 Ⅴ. 요약 및 제언 85 1. 요 약 85 2. 제 언 91 참고문헌 97 ABSTRACT 99 부 록 10

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