


Vanilla is tropic plant that has high economic value. Indonesian vanilla is the most popular because of vanillin content. Vanillin is the major of flavor compound in vanilla. Vanillin is formed during processing fresh to dry vanilla benas. Decreasing vanillin content and moisture content of dry vanilla beans during storage cause degradation of quality. The objective of this research was determined permeability of plastic packaging, the kinetic of quality degradation of dry vanilla beans were packaged all types of plastic during the storage, and predicted dry vanilla shelf-life. In this research classified for 3 steps, determined water vapour permeability of plastic, the kinetic of quality degradation of dry vanilla beans during the storage, and determined dry vanilla shelf-life. Result value was analyzed descriptively. The result of research showed that permeability of polipropilen 0,08 mm was 0,4 gH2O/harim2mmHg and permeability of polipropilen 0,03 mm was 0,675 gH2O/harim2mmHg. But permeability of polietilen 0,08 mm was 0,46 gH2O/harim2mmHg and permeability of polietilen 0,03 mm was 0,795 gH2O/harim2mmHg. In the other, permeability of zaack plastic was 8,14 gH2O/harim2mmHg. Polipropilen was the most because vanilin content changes was longest time among polietilen and zaack plastic packages, for this reason the stability of vanilla beans quality could be controlled. Polipropilen plastic has Ea = 8 Kal/mol K with A value = 16085,93; polietilen plastic has Ea = 7,89 Kal/mol K with A value = 14433,30; and bagor plastic has Ea = 7,64 Kal/mol K with A value = 10544,9. The shelf life of vanilla beans that packaged with Polipropilen was 47 days, polietilen for 44 days, and zaack plastic for 43 days. The most proper packages for dry vanilla beans was Polipropilen. Keyword : Vanilla, percentage of water, percentage of vanillin, quality degradation, shelf-life

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