
Study of usefulness of the archival material of franziscean land cadastre for environment change analysis


The aim of the diploma thesis is to present the use of archived documents of Franziscean Land Cadastre as an important source to illustrate the land use at the beginning of 19th century and to determine changes that have occurred in the environment. In the theoretical part, the thesis delineates history of the land cadastre, with an extensive description of Franziscean Land Cadastre and its constitutive parts. Special analytical attention is given to the region of Cadastral Community Rajndol, whereupon a detailed analysis of parcel structure, property structure, and land use, comparing the situation in the beginning of the 19th century (according to data from Franziscean Land Cadastre) against the current situation (according to land cadastre data from 2012), is performed. Since the indication of the land use contained in the present day land cadastre (cadastral use) often doesn’t correspond to the actual use, the information was additionally verified using the data on the actual use provided by Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment of the Republic of Slovenia. We were also able to detect a strong overgrowth of the region. Comparative analysis confirmed our initial hypothesis that the property structure in the studied region underwent a significant change, while the parcel structure remained more or less intact in the land cadastre in the period of almost two centuries. The results are presented graphically as well as numerically

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