Band Tail Engineering in Kesterite Cu<sub>2</sub>ZnSn(S,Se)<sub>4</sub> Thin-Film Solar Cells with 11.8% Efficiency
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Herein, we report
a facile process, i.e., controlling the initial
chamber pressure during the postdeposition annealing, to effectively
lower the band tail states in the synthesized CZTSSe thin films. Through
detailed analysis of the external quantum efficiency derivative (<i>d</i>EQE/<i>d</i>λ) and low-temperature photoluminescence
(LTPL) data, we find that the band tail states are significantly influenced
by the initial annealing pressure. After carefully optimizing the
deposition processes and device design, we are able to synthesize
kesterite CZTSSe thin films with energy differences between inflection
of d(EQE)/dλ and LTPL as small as 10 meV. These kesterite CZTSSe
thin films enable the fabrication of solar cells with a champion efficiency
of 11.8% with a low <i>V</i><sub>oc</sub> deficit of 582
mV. The results suggest that controlling the annealing process is
an effective approach to reduce the band tail in kesterite CZTSSe
thin films