Infection of IL-17RA<sup>-/-</sup> mice with SRL2.
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<p>(A) Representative area of inflamed lung from H&E stained lung sections of mice infected with SRL2. (B) Kaplin-Meier plot of survival following infection of wild type (solid line) or IL-17RA<sup>-/-</sup> (dashed line) mice with SRL2. Survival of IL-17RA<sup>-/-</sup> mice was improved (logrank test, p = 0.03). (C) Weight following infection in IL-17RA<sup>-/-</sup> mice (open circles) and control mice (closed circles). Points are means (n = 10); error bars are SEM. Differences between the groups were not significant (two-way ANOVA, p = 0.06). (D) as (C) but showing clinical score. Difference between the groups was significant (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). (E) peripheral blood neutrophil percentage in WT and IL-17RA<sup>-/-</sup> mice 24 h after infection. Line shows median value. Closed symbols are animals that survived to the end of the 7 day experiment. Differences between the groups are significant (Mann Whitney test, p = 0.03). (F) BALF bacterial counts from mice that survived infection with SRL2. Line shows median value. Differences between the groups are significant (Mann Whitney test, p = 0.01). Animal shown in blue had mild clinical illness; the remainder had no clinical signs of infection.</p