nNOS inhibition decreases maximum myofilament ATPase activity and specific force output in demembranated papillary muscle fibers.
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<p>(A) Maximal myofilament acto-myosin ATPase activities in demembranated papillary muscles from WT, KN1 and KN2 mice. Maximum ATPase activities were significantly decreased in KN1 and KN2 papillary muscles relative to WT controls. ATPase activities in KN2 papillary muscles were intermediate between KN1 and wild type. (B) Demembranated papillary muscles from KN1 and KN2 showed a significant decrease in specific force output relative to WT controls. n = 10β12 mice per group (2β4 fibers per mouse). One factor ANOVA, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.001.</p