Novel Strategy to Control Polymorph Nucleation of
Gamma Pyrazinamide by Preferred Intermolecular Interactions during
Heterogeneous Nucleation
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Pyrazinamide is usually
nucleated from solution as a dimeric form;
it has rarely been reported in the γ form (chain structure)
crystallized from solution, especially from aqueous solution. Here,
we designed a novel way to obtain the γ form of pyrazinamide
from aqueous solution. Specific templates were applied to disturb
the intrinsic self-association of pyrazinamide molecules and prevent
the formation of the dimer structure. In this paper, the heterosynthon
design method was applied in pyrazinamide heterogeneous nucleation,
in which sulfonamides were chosen as the templates. In the presence
of sulfonamide templates, hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl moiety
of the amide group in pyrazinamide molecules and the sulfonamide moiety
of sulfonamide template molecules were formed; these preferred intermolecular
interactions protected the carbonyl groups of PZA, facilitating assembly
of PZA molecules in a chain via N–H···N′
and nucleating as the γ form of PZA. This is the first time
that the heterosynthon design method was applied to screen effective
templates, which can control and select the desired polymorph in heterogeneous