
Activar la mente y aprender haciendo: elementos clave para ser competente informacionalmente


Bearing in mind the trends, challenges and technological advances discussed in the Horizon Report 2014, which affect education and lead us to define profiles for teachers and students that are adapted to the demands of a digital society in continual change, in the Horizon 2020 framework digital/information competences are defined as strategic and horizontal for adapting to the pace of the times, and they affect all the actors in the educational system. In this context, the aim of this research is to launch a process of evaluating the training programs delivered by university libraries in these competences, comparing them to the DIGCOMP and ACLR Frameworks. The objectives proposed are: 1. to analyse the degree of correspondence and the need for adaptation. 2. to evaluate the degree of integration and application of the training actions in digital/information competences in the teaching programs, as well as analysing the teaching methods used. The conclusion reached is that these competences are not so necessary in classrooms when teaching methods are more behavioural than constructivist, which prevents the students from developing capacities for creation, innovation, cooperation and intellectual autonomy. Alert minds that learn by doing, for which the acquisition of these competences is essential

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