
Prosedur Pelayanan Penerbitan Sertifikat Keahlian pada Lembaga Sertifikasi Ahli Teknik Indonesia


 The regional autonomy system makes the interest of the construction service entrepreneurs to be able to join the Association of Professionals as members or partners, to obtain Government projects or Regional Budget (APBD) projects in each City or District. Therefore, to fulfill this condition, the Certification Institute of Indonesian Engineering Expert (LS-PATI) is a public service facility in making Certificate of Expertise (SKA) and conducts certification activities to improve the degree of Indonesian technical experts through certification activities in order to have the personality and moral development engineering, improving the ability, degree and welfare of the engineers through his work in the field of engineering. Writing methods that the authors use is a qualitative method in which the authors perform data gathering through observation, interview and documentation study. The results of this study illustrate that SKA as a recognized reference to the expertise as a profession in the field of individual engineering experts in the field of construction services. The service process of SKA issuance begins from meeting the data requirements, verification and validation of the file until the issuance of the certificate of expertise. In the process LS-PATI also found some inhibiting factors one of them lack of information on the website, but LS-PATI has a way to overcome the obstacles that is with updating the information system on the website.   Keywords: Expertise, Service, Certificat

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