
Economic Feasibility Of Clean Coal Technologies


Reéent developments in the energy sector prove that we are wítnessing a shift in the place of commodities withm global economy. Coal as a source of heat and power has kept and is meant to keep its hegemony in Europe and the USA; this along with recent encouraged fight against global warming and the factual lower yield of coal teclmologies claims for the review of these and the development of lesspollutant processes per uñií of useful energy, so-called Clean Coal Technologies. This document provides an assessment of the technical aspecto of these teclmologies. More specifícally it focuses on the economical evaluation of carbón separation and capture on Integrated Gasiñcatíon Combined Cycles using recent cost estimatcs and power market valúes from a major European power market. According to these calculations, European emissions' allowances price and allocation policy will play a relevant role in the future of these technologies. Under the hypothesis of 0% free allowances, IGCC with carbón capture could prove more economical than a greenfíeld conventíonal pulverized coal starting from slíghtly above 30€/t CO2. Further operational flexibility from new designa is as well discussed. This document provides an assessment of the technical aspects of these technologies. More specifically it focuses on the economical evaluation of carbon separation and capture on Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles using recent cost estimates and power market values from a major European power market. According to these calculations, European emissions¿ allowances price and allocation policy will play a relevant role in the future of these technologies. Under the hypothesis of 0% free allowances, IGCC with carbon capture could prove more economical than a greenfield conventional pulverized coal starting from slightly above 30�/t CO2. Further operational flexibility from new designs is as well discussed

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