SYAIFUL ARIFIN. The Influence Product Quality Of Services Toward Customer Satisfaction Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati , East Jakarta. Skripsi Study Program of Economic, Cooperation Concentration of Economic Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, April 2014.
This research aims to determine how much influence the product quality of services to customer satisfaction in Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur. The method in this study is survey. Data product quality of services drawn from the results of a questionnaire. The sampling technique used simple random technique. The population in this study is a customer of Koppas Kramat Jati numbered 85 people. The samples by using a table of Isaac and Michael with a 5 % as much as 68 customers .
Regression equation in this study is Y = 50.864 + 0.44 X. Test results using a correlation coefficient of Pearson product moment values obtained rxy = 0.573. This means there is a positive influence of product quality service on customer satisfaction Koperasi pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur. From the calculation of the t-test obtained t count > t , namely ( 5.69 > 1.67 ), which showed a significant influence of the variable X product quality of services to
customer satisfaction Y Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat Jati , East Jakarta. From the calculation of the coefficient of determination obtained 32.88 % so that it can be said that the variable Y customer satisfaction is influenced by variables X product quality services. It can be concluded this research shows that the product quality of service have positive and significant influence on the customer satisfaction of Koperasi Pedagang Pasar Kramat jati