Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) has emerged as a promising solution for
enhancing road safety. Routing of messages in VANET is challenging due to
packet delays arising from high mobility of vehicles, frequently changing
topology, and high density of vehicles, leading to frequent route breakages and
packet losses. Previous researchers have used either mobility in vehicular fog
computing or cloud computing to solve the routing issue, but they suffer from
large packet delays and frequent packet losses. We propose Dynamic Fog for
Connected Vehicles (DFCV), a fog computing based scheme which dynamically
creates, increments and destroys fog nodes depending on the communication
needs. The novelty of DFCV lies in providing lower delays and guaranteed
message delivery at high vehicular densities. Simulations were conducted using
hybrid simulation consisting of ns-2, SUMO, and Cloudsim. Results show that
DFCV ensures efficient resource utilization, lower packet delays and losses at
high vehicle densities