
Nadhlatul Ulama Dan Pluralisme: Studi Pada Strategi Dakwah Pluralisme Nu Di Era Reformasi


This study was aimed at explaining NU's strategies on spreading the idea of pluralism, tracing how NU meant racial differences, how NU react to pluralism on religion, which is a reality of Indonesian society and how NU treated cultures of Indonesian different tribes and custom. The approach used in this study was theological-anthropological one. This study was limited to the time of Gus Dur (1984-1999), K.H. Hasyim Muzadi (1999-2010) and K.H. Said Aqil Siraj (2010up to present). This study found that NU has some strategies in spreadingout the idea of pluralism, namely through The Wahid Institute (established byGus Dur et all), through International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) as a media to spread out the idea of pluralism and the attitude towards racial, language, religion, pluralism tribe, and custom pluralism (established by Hasyim Muzadi), and through interfaith dialogue (initiated by K.H. Said Aqil Siraj), which is aimed at respecting differences as a disposition. In addition, NU also gives scholarships for Afghanistan's students to study pluralistic Islam in NU University in Indonesia

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    Last time updated on 14/05/2018