Ultrathin Active Chiral Metamaterials
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active chiral metamaterials with dynamically tunable
and responsive optical chirality enable new optical sensors, modulators,
and switches. Herein, we develop ultrathin active chiral metamaterials
of highly tunable chiroptical responses by inducing tunable near-field
coupling in the metamaterials and exploit the metamaterials as ultrasensitive
sensors to detect trace amounts of solvent impurities. To demonstrate
the active chiral metamaterials mediated by tunable near-field coupling,
we design moiré chiral metamaterials (MCMs) as model metamaterials,
which consist of two layers of identical Au nanohole arrays stacked
upon one another in moiré patterns with a dielectric spacer
layer between the Au layers. Our simulations, analytical fittings,
and experiments reveal that spacer-dependent near-field coupling exists
in the MCMs, which significantly enhances the spectral shift and line
shape change of the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the MCMs. Furthermore,
we use a silk fibroin thin film as the spacer layer in the MCM. With
the solvent-controllable swelling of the silk fibroin thin films,
we demonstrate actively tunable near-field coupling and chiroptical
responses of the silk-MCMs. Impressively, we have achieved the spectral
shift over a wavelength range that is more than one full width at
half-maximum and the sign inversion of the CD spectra in a single
ultrathin (1/5 of wavelength in thickness) MCM. Finally, we apply
the silk-MCMs as ultrasensitive sensors to detect trace amounts of
solvent impurities down to 200 ppm, corresponding to an ultrahigh
sensitivity of >10<sup>5</sup> nm/refractive index unit (RIU) and
a figure of merit of 10<sup>5</sup>/RIU