Evidence-based recommendations for the development of obesity prevention programs targeted at preschool children.


As previously discussed in other papers in this Supplement of Obesity Reviews, the Toybox intervention was developed using an evidence-based approach, and refined through pilot testing. As part of that evidence base, two pieces of work were carried out. First, a series of narrative reviews of educational strategies and psychological approaches explaining young children’s acquisition and formation of energy-balance related behaviours, and facilitating their management (Gibson et al1; Vögele et al2; Kreichauf et al3, all published in this supplement). Second, a systematic review to identify behavioural models underpinning school-based interventions in pre-school and school settings for the prevention of obesity in children aged 4-6 years (Nixon et al4; published in this supplement). The aim of this short paper is to summarise and translate the findings from these two reviews into practical evidence-based recommendations for researchers and policy makers to consider when developing and implementing interventions for the prevention of overweight and obesity in young (aged 4-6) children

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