Additional file 7: of IMP1 regulates UCA1-mediated cell invasion through facilitating UCA1 decay and decreasing the sponge effect of UCA1 for miR-122-5p
Figure S4. IMP1 knockdown increases the expression of miR-122-5p target mRNAs. (A) Cellular levels of miR-122-5p are not affected by IMP1-GFP expression. (B) After MS2 pulldown experiments, levels of miR-122-5p in the supernatants were analyzed by qPT-PCR. Levels of miR-122-5p were normalized to GAPDH mRNA from three independent experiments: **P < 0.01 as determined by Student’s t test. (C) RT-qPCR was applied to measure the levels of PKM2 and IGF-1R mRNAs in IMP1 knockdown T47D cells. Levels of the mRNAs were normalized to GAPDH mRNA from three independent experiments: *P < 0.05 as determined by Student’s t test. (TIFF 884 kb