
Karakteristik dan Penerapan Budaya Organisasi di PT. Radio Bintang Media Swara


The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics and application of organizational culture in PT. Radio Bintang Media Swara. Based on the findings of this research, it is hopefully can give the benefits to other companies especially in terms of organizational culture in the future. This research belongs to a qualitative research using descriptive study approach to know and get the data from the employees’ experiences and other things that employees have done in PT. Radio Bintang Media Swara. The data in this research was obtained by interviewing five employees. The interview was conducted at the company by asking the questions to explore the characteristics and application of organizational culture in the company. Based on the results of this research, it is found that there are six characteristics of organizational culture that have been applied, including creative and innovative culture, culture of togetherness and kinship, teamwork, target orientation, work by standards, and good communication. Organizational culture also has a role in the company, among others as an unifying tool of the organization, increasing loyalty, making the company ready to face the competition, and as a standard of job optimization

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