Problems of Political Development in Bangladesh


After World War II the revival of the spirit of nationalism led to the emergence of many new states. Freed from the colonial domination, the new states were keenly interested in developing their societies as fast as possible. Many problems stand in the way of development. These problems are the problems of stability, unity, integration and socioeconomic problems. This study is concerned about the problems of political development in Bangladesh, which came into existence in 1971, as a result of the problems of of national integration in Pakistan. This study identifies some problems which stand in the way of political development in Bangladesh. These problems are: (1) the problems of integration, (2) the problems of unity and stability, (3) the lack of well-organized political parties, (4) the problems of bureaucracy, and (5) socio-economic problems. After the creation of Bangladesh it was assumed that there would be no problem of integration in Bangladesh. But an analysis of the political situations will show that problems of integration still remain, though in different character, such as the lack of integration between the elites and the mass, the lack of integrative ideology, the separatist tendency in the tribal people, etc. Absence of stability is creating problems in the effective undertaking of any developmental plan. The chief causes of instability are: factionalism, frustration of the people, threat of India, loss of charisma, etc. Too many political parties with too many ideologies stand in the way of creating a stable government. The parties do not have any organizational basis, and are based on the personality of the leader. The parties are not effective in aggregating the peoples\u27 demands and grievances. The lack of balance in the role of the bureaucracy is also a problem. On the one hand, if the bureaucrats are given more power, they hinder the growth of political institutions. On the other hand, if they are given less power, they play an inactive role hindering the execution of policies. Bangladesh suffers from both the problems of bureaucracy. The most pre-dominant problems which hamper political development in Bangladesh are socio-economic problems. The population problem, food problem, and unemployment create mass frustrations causing instability and disunity within the country. The attachment to the traditional values hinders the way of change. This study analyzes in detail all these problems and how they stand in the way of political development

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