The elastic scattering of protons by Li7


NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in .pdf document. A double focusing magnetic proton spectrometer has been so mounted as to permit observations over a continuous range of scattering angles from 0 to 160 degrees. With this instrument, the cross section for the reaction Li[superscript 7] (pp) has been measured over the proton energy range 360 - 1400 kev. Measurements were made at scattering angles of 50, 70, 89.2, 110, 130, 143.4 and 160 degrees in the center-of-mass system. Anomalous scattering was observed near 441 kev, the resonance energy for the reaction Li[superscript 7] [...], and near 1030 kev, the resonance energy for the reaction Li[superscript 7] (pp'). Analysis of the results near 441 kev indicates a state in Be[superscript 8] with J=1, even parity, formed by p-wave protons, while the analysis near 1030 kev indicates a state in Be[superscript 8] with J = 1, odd parity, formed by s-wave protons. The relative stopping cross section for protons in lithium has also been measured from 200-1300 kev

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