New Knowledge-Based Scoring Function with Inclusion
of Backbone Conformational Entropies from Protein Structures
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Accurate prediction of a protein’s
structure requires a
reliable free energy function that consists of both enthalpic and
entropic contributions. Although considerable progresses have been
made in the calculation of potential energies in protein structure
prediction, the computation for entropies of protein has lagged far
behind, due to the challenge that estimation of entropies often requires
expensive conformational sampling. In this study, we have used a knowledge-based
approach to estimate the backbone conformational entropies from experimentally
determined structures. Instead of conducting computationally expensive
MD/MC simulations, we obtained the entropies of protein structures
based on the normalized probability distributions of back dihedral
angles observed in the native structures. Our new knowledge-based
scoring function with inclusion of the backbone entropies, which is
referred to as ITScoreDA or ITDA, was extensively evaluated on 16
commonly used decoy sets and compared with 50 other published scoring
functions. It was shown that ITDA is significantly superior to the
other tested scoring functions in selecting native structures from
decoys. The present study suggests the role of backbone conformational
entropies in protein structures and provides a way for fast estimation
of the entropic effect