QTL detected for six measured traits related to shading under two treatments at two locations.
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<p>Note: <sup>a</sup>Additive effect; positive values of the additive effect indicate that the Zhong72 alleles are in the direction of increasing the traits. Dominance effect; positive values of the dominance effect indicate that the heterozygotes have higher phenotypic values than the respective means of the two homozygotes, and negative values indicate that heterozygotes have lower values than the means of the two homozygotes.</p>b<p>A, additive (d/a = 0.00–0.20); PD, partial dominance (d/a = 0.21–0.80); D, dominance (d/a = 0.81–1.20); OD, overdominance (d/a>1.20).</p>c<p>R<sup>2</sup> contribution rate.</p