Towards a reusable and maintainable multiagent system engineering (MaSE) methodology


Multiagent System Engineering Methodology (MaSE) is a general purpose agent-based software engineering method for developing heterogeneous multiagent systems. The goal of MaSE is to guide a system developer from an initial system specification to a multiagent implementation. This paper discussed on gaps and weaknesses discovered in the MaSE analysis methodology. For removing the reported weaknesses, this paper introduces "domain modeling" to capture the overall view of the domain problem to be solved and to later systematically identify agents to be used in the system. MaSE is integrated with Pattern Oriented Analysis and Design (POAD) methodology to provide a systematic development process using patterns. "Agent Identification step" is also proposed by this paper to guide the agent identification process in the analysis phase. This paper will show that the integration of the POAD methodology to the MaSE methodology in the analysis phase could leverage the reuse level of the agent-based system

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