Perpendicular Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy at the Fe/Pb(001) Interface
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The search for ultrathin magnetic
films with large perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy (PMA)
has been inspired for years by the continuous miniaturization of magnetic
units in spintronics devices. The common magnetic materials used in
research and applications are based on Fe because the pure Fe metal
is the best yet simple magnetic material from nature. Through systematic
first-principles calculations, we explored the possibility to produce
large PMA with ultrathin Fe on non-noble and non-magnetic Pb(001)
substrate. Interestingly, huge magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy
(MAE) of 7.6 meV was found in the Pb/Fe/Pb(001) sandwich structure
with only half monolayer Fe. The analysis of electronic structures
reveals that the magnetic proximity effect at the interface is responsible
for this significant enhancement of MAE. The MAE further increases
to 13.6 meV with triply repeated capping Pb and intermediate Fe layers.
Furthermore, the MAE can be tuned conveniently by charge injection