The recently proposed participant dissipating effective-energy approach is
applied to describe the dependence on centrality of the multiplicity of charged
particles measured in heavy-ion collisions at the collision energies up to the
highest LHC energy of 5 TeV. The effective-energy approach relates multihadron
production in different types of collisions, by combining, under the proper
collision energy scaling, the constituent quark picture with Landau
relativistic hydrodynamics. The measurements are shown to be well described in
terms of the centrality-dependent effective energy of participants and an
explanation of the differences in the measurements at RHIC and LHC are given by
means of the recently introduced hypothesis of the energy-balanced limiting
fragmentation scaling. A similarity between the centrality data and the data
from most central collisions is proposed pointing to the central character of
participant interactions independent of centrality. The findings complement our
recent investigations of the similar midrapidity pseudorapidity density
measurements extending the description to the full pseudorapidity range in view
of the considered similarity of multihadron production in nucleon interactions
and heavy-ion collisions.Comment: Same as published versio