Complete reconstitution of XPA<sup>−/−</sup> cells requires XPA with intact APIM.
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<p>(A) Cell proliferation after UV-B treatment measured by MTT assay. The data is normalized against untreated day 1. One representative out of three experiments is presented. Data presented is the average of 6 wells ± SD. (B) Normalized XPA intensity measured by in-cell western (LI-COR Bioscience) (mean ± SD, n = 6). The XPA intensity is normalized against the DNA content using Draq5. (C) <i>Left panel:</i> Histograms of 6-4 PP positive cells, untreated, and 0, 2 and 4 h after UV-B. The cells with fluorescent intensity above the dashed line are defined as 6-4 PP positive. The numbers in the bottom row indicate % 6-4 PP positive cells 4 h after UVR. <i>Right panel:</i> Graphic presentation of data in left panel showing reduction of 6-4 PP positive cells as a function of time. (D) <i>Left panel:</i> Histograms illustrating cell cycle distribution of CPD positive and negative cells, untreated, 0 and 24 h after UV-B. Lower UVR-dose was applied for the XPA<sup>−/−</sup> cells to avoid excessive apoptosis. The dashed lines separate the cell cycle phases. % CPD positive cells are given in bottom row. <i>Right panel</i>: Bars illustrating the relative cell-phase distribution of the CPD positive cells.</p