Schematic representation of yeast two-hybrid high confidence hits involved in transcription.


<p>Individual prey fragment clones and the resulting selected interaction domains (SIDs) reported to bind ALKBH4 are indicated above each protein; black lines, placenta library; orange lines, fetal brain library; green lines, placenta library screened with ALKBH4<sup>H169A/D171A</sup>; red dashed lines, SIDs. Grey boxes indicate protein domains. Proteins and domains are drawn to scale according to the InterPro (version 4.8) and PROSITE (release 20.68) databases <a href="" target="_blank">[73]</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">[74]</a>.//indicates regions omitted for simplicity. ZnF, C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub> zinc finger; HD, homeodomain; YEATS, Yaf9 ENL AF9 Taf14 Sas5; TAZ, transcription adaptor putative zinc finger; BRD, bromodomain; PHD plant homeodomain; HAT histone acetyl transferase; DBD, DNA binding domain. Bar, 100 aa.</p

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