Fluorescence emission spectra of target oligomer, 5′-gcgaggpggctt-3′, with single 2-aminopurine (p) reveal the magnitude of stacking interactions


<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Design of LNA probes that improve mismatch discrimination"</p><p>Nucleic Acids Research 2006;34(8):e60-e60.</p><p>Published online 2 May 2006</p><p>PMCID:PMC1456327.</p><p>© The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved</p> Duplexes containing a H-bonded t•p base pair are compared with mismatched g•p base pair duplexes. Both unmodified DNA probes (blue lines) and probes with a LNA triplet at the mismatch site (red lines) were studied. UV melting experiments in 1 M Na buffer showed that LNA triplets increased mismatch discrimination for these sequences

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