MOZ-TIF2 repression of nuclear receptor-mediated transcription requires multiple domains in MOZ and in the CID domain of TIF2-3


<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "MOZ-TIF2 repression of nuclear receptor-mediated transcription requires multiple domains in MOZ and in the CID domain of TIF2"</p><p></p><p>Molecular Cancer 2007;6():51-51.</p><p>Published online 13 Aug 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2048977.</p><p></p>g. The reporter plasmid PL was used as described in Figure 3. Del CID: The CID domain was deleted from MOZ-TIF2 (MT2 delCID) (amino acids 1182–1312) and TIF2 (TF2 delCID) (amino acids 1002–1132). DBL : mutations were created in the leucine-repeat regions of CID of MOZ-TIF2 (MT2DBL) and TIF2 (TF2 DBL) as shown in panel . The letters in bold type in C represent the mutated amino acids. Open bars, 50 nM estradiol (A) or DHT (B). Dark bars, no added estradiol (A) or DHT (B). Double stars represent a significant difference at P < 0.01 by the two-tailed Student T- test compared to the transfection with MOZ-TIF2 in the ligand added condition. Solid circles represent a significant difference at P < 0.05 by two-tailed Student T- test compared to the transfection with TIF2 in the ligand added condition. The numbers on top of the open bars indicate the ratio of light units in the presence and absence of ligand as described in Figure 3. The fold increase given in the text was calculated as light units with the mutated MOZ-TIF2 compared to the wild type MOZ-TIF2 in absence or presence of ligand and fold decrease was calculated as the light units with the wild type TIF2 compared to the light units with the CID deleted TIF2

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