Plaque length is accurately measured by ultrasound.
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<p>(a) Representative sagittal B-mode images of RCCA from one animal prior to surgery (0) and 3, 6 and 9 weeks after cast placement. Plaque length is indicated with arrows. (b) Whole mount of the carotid artery in (a) at study termination. (c) Linear regression of ultrasound vs microcaliper measurements of plaque length (n = 6 cuffs, 10 casts). Dotted lines indicate 95% confidence intervals. Correlation coefficient = 0.92, n = 16. (d) Bland Altman analysis of plaque length as measured by microcaliper and UBM. Dotted lines represent 95% limits of agreement. Bias, indicated by solid line, was calculated as −0.27 mm+/−0.22 SD.</p