Genes in the genetic risk models have been linked to coronary artery disease and Alzheimer's disease.
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<p>The two networks display 38 of the 130 genes in the genetic risk model that are linked to Alzheimer's disease (top) and 24 of the 130 genes that are linked to coronary artery disease (bottom) in the literature, either by functional or genetic association studies. The nodes that are linked by an edge represents either genes that are “co-cited” (dashed lines) or “associated by expert curation” (continuous lines). The arrow head means that the associations are activation (triangle), inhibition (circle), modulation (diamond), conversion (arrow head). The node shape informs about known roles of the genes (see inset). The nodes that are singleton were linked to AD/CAD in the literature but not together with other genes. The number of genes linked to each disease was compared to what is expected by chance using Fisher exact test, and the p-values show that the gene seta are unluckily the result of chance. (Networks generated with Genomatix).</p