Deletion of myoB inhibits septum formation.
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<p>All panels are images of living cells. In A and B, nuclei are shown with histone H1-mRFP and chitin is stained with calcofluor (10 µg/ml). A. a <i>myoB</i><sup>+</sup> strain (LO1516). Multiple septa are visible (arrows). B. a <i>myoB</i>Δ hypha. The <i>myoB</i> gene was deleted in LO1516 and nuclei carrying the deletion were maintained in a heterokaryon. No septa are present but there are thickened regions containing chitin (e.g. arrow) and chitin is highly concentrated near the hyphal tip. C. Shows a hyhal tip region in a <i>myoB</i>Δ strain stained with calcofluor but nuclei are not imaged. Note the absence of septa and side branches. The circular objects are ungerminated conidia resulting from the heterokaryon rescue technique.</p