Copy number loss of HRH4 in GCs.
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<p>(A) Real-time PCR assay was carried out as described under <a href="" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a> section, and the results were obtained from indicated group of samples. Boxplots of relative copy number of HRH4 mRNA measured with Real-Time PCR analysis showing median; box: 25th–75th percentile; bars: largest and smallest values within 1.5 box lengths; little cross: outliers. mRNA expression level of HRH4 in groups with deleted (n = 23) or unaltered (n = 108) DNA copies. (B) Representative figure of FISH analysis using chromosome 18q specific alpha satellite DNA probe and chromosome 18q11 specific probe for HRH4 gene. I. Nucleus of ANT tissue with two signals for each of green and orange, showing no deletion of chromosome 18q or HRH4 gene. II. Nucleus of GC tissue with 0–2 signals for green and 0–2 signals for orange, indicating relative deletion in chromosome 18q or HRH4 gene.</p