Expression of NleH-GFP and Tir-GFP in <i>E. coli</i> O157:H7 defined LEE regulator mutants.
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<p><i>E. coli</i> O157:H7 ZAP193, ZAP193Δ<i>ler</i> and ZAP193Δ<i>grlA</i> were transformed with constructs expressing NleH1-GFP (pAHE8; A), NleH2-GFP (pAHE22; B) and Tir-GFP (pAJR132; C). GFP expression was monitored during growth of the transformants in MEM media, with a promoterless GFP construct (pAJR70) as a background control. Fluorescence values were corrected for background and lines represent the average of three biological repeats.</p