Conjugation of Butadiene
Diepoxide with Glutathione
Yields DNA Adducts in Vitro and in Vivo
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1,2,3,4-Diepoxybutane (DEB) is reported to be the most
potent mutagenic
metabolite of 1,3-butadiene, an important industrial chemical and
environmental pollutant. DEB is capable of inducing the formation
of monoalkylated DNA adducts and DNA–DNA and DNA–protein
cross-links. We previously reported that DEB forms a conjugate with
glutathione (GSH) and that the conjugate is considerably more mutagenic
than several other butadiene-derived epoxides, including DEB, in the
base pair tester strain <i>Salmonella typhimurium</i> TA1535
[Cho (2010) Chem. Res. Toxicol. 23, 1544−1546]. In the present study, we
determined steady-state kinetic parameters of the conjugation of the
three DEB stereoisomers<i>R</i>,<i>R</i>, <i>S</i>,<i>S</i>, and <i>meso</i> (all formed by butadiene oxidation)with GSH by six GSH transferases.
Only small differences (<3-fold) were found in the catalytic efficiency
of conjugate formation (<i>k</i><sub>cat</sub>/<i>K</i><sub>m</sub>) with all three DEB stereoisomers and the six GSH transferases.
The three stereochemical DEB–GSH conjugates had similar mutagenicity.
Six DNA adducts (<i>N</i><sup>3</sup>-adenyl, <i>N</i><sup>6</sup>-adenyl, <i>N</i><sup>7</sup>-guanyl, <i>N</i><sup>1</sup>-guanyl, <i>N</i><sup>4</sup>-cytidyl,
and <i>N</i><sup>3</sup>-thymidyl) were identified in the
reactions of DEB–GSH conjugate with nucleosides and calf thymus
DNA using LC-MS and UV and NMR spectroscopy. <i>N</i><sup>6</sup>-Adenyl and <i>N</i><sup>7</sup>-guanyl GSH adducts
were identified and quantitated in vivo in the livers of mice and
rats treated with DEB ip. These results indicate that such DNA adducts
are formed from the DEB–GSH conjugate, are mutagenic regardless
of sterochemistry, and are therefore expected to contribute to the
carcinogenicity of DEB