Three Distinct Water Structures
at a Zwitterionic
Lipid/Water Interface Revealed by Heterodyne-Detected Vibrational
Sum Frequency Generation
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Lipid/water interfaces and associated interfacial water
are vital
for various biochemical reactions, but the molecular-level understanding
of their property is very limited. We investigated the water structure
at a zwitterionic lipid, phosphatidylcholine, monolayer/water interface
using heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy.
Isotopically diluted water was utilized in the experiments to minimize
the effect of intra/intermolecular couplings. It was found that the
OH stretch band in the Imχ<sup>(2)</sup> spectrum of the phosphatidylcholine/water
interface exhibits a characteristic double-peaked feature. To interpret
this peculiar spectrum of the zwitterionic lipid/water interface,
Imχ<sup>(2)</sup> spectra of a zwitterionic surfactant/water
interface and mixed lipid/water interfaces were measured. The Imχ<sup>(2)</sup> spectrum of the zwitterionic surfactant/water interface
clearly shows both positive and negative bands in the OH stretch region,
revealing that multiple water structures exist at the interface. At
the mixed lipid/water interfaces, while gradually varying the fraction
of the anionic and cationic lipids, we observed a drastic change in
the Imχ<sup>(2)</sup> spectra in which spectral features similar
to those of the anionic, zwitterionic, and cationic lipid/water interfaces
appeared successively. These observations demonstrate that, when the
positive and negative charges coexist at the interface, the H-down-oriented
water structure and H-up-oriented water structure appear in the vicinity
of the respective charged sites. In addition, it was found that a
positive Imχ<sup>(2)</sup> appears around 3600 cm<sup>–1</sup> for all the monolayer interfaces examined, indicating weakly interacting
water species existing in the hydrophobic region of the monolayer
at the interface. On the basis of these results, we concluded that
the characteristic Imχ<sup>(2)</sup> spectrum of the zwitterionic
lipid/water interface arises from three different types of water existing
at the interface: (1) the water associated with the negatively charged
phosphate, which is strongly H-bonded and has a net H-up orientation,
(2) the water around the positively charged choline, which forms weaker
H-bonds and has a net H-down orientation, and (3) the water weakly
interacting with the hydrophobic region of the lipid, which has a
net H-up orientation