Systematic Investigation
of Isoindigo-Based Polymeric
Field-Effect Transistors: Design Strategy and Impact of Polymer Symmetry
and Backbone Curvature
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Ten isoindigo-based polymers were synthesized, and their
and electrochemical properties and device performances were systematically
investigated. The HOMO levels of the polymers were tuned by introducing
different donor units, yet all polymers exhibited <i>p</i>-type semiconducting properties. The hole mobilities of these polymers
with centrosymmetric donor units exceeded 0.3 cm<sup>2</sup> V<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>, and the maximum reached 1.06
cm<sup>2</sup> V<sup>–1</sup> s<sup>–1</sup>. Because
of their low-lying HOMO levels, these copolymers also showed good
stability upon moisture. AFM and GIXD analyses revealed that polymers
with different symmetry and backbone curvature were distinct in lamellar
packing and crystallinity. DFT calculations were employed to help
us propose the possible packing model. Based on these results, we
propose a design strategy, called “molecular docking”,
to understand the interpolymer π–π stacking. We
also found that polymer symmetry and backbone curvature affect interchain “molecular
docking” of isoindigo-based polymers in film, ultimately leading
to different device performance. Finally, our design strategy maybe
applicable to other reported systems, thus representing a new concept
to design conjugated polymers for field-effect transistors