Graphical representations of the composite glioblastoma-related miRNA-TF regulatory network and its network characteristics.


<p>A) Graphical representation of the composite glioblastoma miRNA-TF regulatory network. The network was generated from 3-node and 4-node composite-FFL motifs. B) Degree distribution of all nodes (genes, miRNAs and TFs) in the network. The Y-axis represents the proportion of nodes with a specific degree. C–E) Three higher-order subnetworks. In each subfigure, nodes in red correspond to GBM-related miRNAs, nodes in green correspond to GBM-related genes, and nodes in blue correspond to transcription factors. The edge colors represent different relationships: red for the repression of miRNAs to genes or TFs, blue for the regulation of TFs to genes or miRNAs, and black for the coexpression of GBM-related genes.</p

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