Study of Quantum Dot/Inorganic
Layer/Dye Molecule Sandwich Structure for Electrochemical Solar Cells
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A highly efficient quantum dot (QD)/inorganic layer/dye
molecule sandwich structure was designed and applied in electrochemical
QD-sensitized solar cells. The key component TiO<sub>2</sub>/CdS/ZnS/N719
hybrid photoanode with ZnS insertion between the two types of sensitizers
was demonstrated not only to efficiently extend the light absorption
but also to suppress the charge recombination from either TiO<sub>2</sub> or CdS QDs to electrolyte redox species, yielding a photocurrent
density of 11.04 mA cm<sup>–2</sup>, an open-circuit voltage
of 713 mV, a fill factor of 0.559, and an impressive overall energy
conversion efficiency of 4.4%. More importantly, the cell exhibited
enhanced photostability with the help of the synergistic stabilizing
effect of both the organic and the inorganic passivation layers in
the presence of a corrosive electrolyte