Rescue of <i>gsb</i> mutant embryos to viable adults by <i>gsb</i>-Prd and <i>gsb</i>-Pax3 transgenes.
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<p>Percentage of rescued <i>gsb<sup>-</sup></i> flies harboring one or two copies of <i>gsb-res</i>, <i>gsb-</i>Prd or <i>gsb-Pax3</i> transgenes (actual numbers of rescued flies per total number of expected <i>gsb</i> mutants are given in parentheses). <i>Df(2R)IIX62/gsb<sup>525</sup></i> flies carrying one or two copies of the transgenes were obtained as offspring from the crosses between <i>Df(2R)IIX62/SM1</i>; <i>P/P</i> (P stands for the transgenes) males and <i>gsb<sup>525</sup>/SM1</i> or <i>gsb<sup>525</sup>/SM1</i>; <i>P/P</i> females. <i>Df(2R)IIX62/gsb<sup>P1155</sup></i> and <i>gsb<sup>525</sup>/gsb<sup>P1155</sup></i> flies carrying one copy of the transgenes were obtained from the crosses between <i>Df(2R)IIX62/SM1</i>; <i>P/P</i> or <i>gsb<sup>525</sup>/SM1</i>; <i>P/P</i> males and <i>gsb<sup>P1155</sup>/SM1</i> females. nd, not determined.</p