Laser Spectroscopic Study
of β‑Estradiol
and Its Monohydrated Clusters in a Supersonic Jet
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The structures of 17β-estradiol (estradiol) and
its 1:1 cluster
with water have been investigated in supersonic jets. The S<sub>1</sub>–S<sub>0</sub> electronic spectrum of estradiol monomer shows
four strong sharp bands in the 35050–35200 cm<sup>–1</sup> region. Ultraviolet–ultraviolet hole-burning (UV–UV
HB) and infrared-ultraviolet double-resonance (IR-UV DR) spectra of
these bands indicate that they are due to four different conformers
of estradiol originating from the different orientation of the OH
groups in the <i>A</i>- and <i>D</i>-rings. The
addition of water vapor to the sample gas generates four new bands
in the 34700–34800 cm<sup>–1</sup> region, which are
assigned to the estradiol–H<sub>2</sub>O 1:1 cluster with the <i>A</i>-ring (phenyl ring) OH acting as a hydrogen(H)-bond donor.
In addition, we found very weak bands near the origin bands of bare
estradiol upon the addition of water vapor. These bands are assigned
to the isomers of estradiol–H<sub>2</sub>O 1:1 cluster having
an H-bond at the <i>D</i>-ring OH. We determine the conformation
of bare estradiol and the structures of its monohydrated clusters
with the aid of density functional theory calculation and discuss
the relationship between the stability of hydrated clusters and the
conformation of estradiol