Detection of fecal miRNAs that are commonly dysregulated in pancreatic cancer tissues.


<p>(A) MiRNA microarray expression analyses were performed using Illumina microarray to evaluate the presence of selected miRNAs (miR-16, -375, -196a, -216a, -21, -143, -155 and -210) in a single stool sample of the healthy subject. Fecal miRNA expression was converted to log-expression values following Lumi Bioconductor normalization. (B & C) Expression of selected miRNA was confirmed in all 45 samples including controls, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients. Figure (B) represents the raw miRNA expression Ct-values for qualitative assessment. (C) Normalization was performed using standard ΔCt-method using miR-16 as internal fecal normalizer.</p

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