Binding of <i>Zymosan</i> to Siglec-7 Fc chimera and to Siglec-7 receptor expressed on freshly putified monocytes.


<p>(A) Representative flow cytometric dot plot graphs showing the binding of goat anti human (GAH) Fc Ab (left), NKp44 Fc chimera (middle) and Siglec-7 Fc chimera (right) to <i>Zymosan</i>. (B) Fluorescent microscopic images of <i>Zymosan</i> particles (gray, left part of the panel) surrounded by PE-labeled Siglec-7 Fc chimera (green, right part of the panel). (C) Fluorescent microscopic images of primary monocytes labeled for Siglec-7 (red) and incubated with <i>Zymosan</i> particles (green) for 5 and 30 minutes. The co-localization is labeled in yellow.</p

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