Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange
Mass Spectrometry Reveals
Specific Changes in the Local Flexibility of Plasminogen Activator
Inhibitor 1 upon Binding to the Somatomedin B Domain of Vitronectin
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The native fold of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1
(PAI-1) represents
an active metastable conformation that spontaneously converts to an
inactive latent form. Binding of the somatomedin B domain (SMB) of
the endogenous cofactor vitronectin to PAI-1 delays the transition
to the latent state and increases the thermal stability of the protein
dramatically. We have used hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
to assess the inherent structural flexibility of PAI-1 and to monitor
the changes induced by SMB binding. Our data show that the PAI-1 core
consisting of β-sheet B is rather protected against exchange
with the solvent, while the remainder of the molecule is more dynamic.
SMB binding causes a pronounced and widespread stabilization of PAI-1
that is not confined to the binding interface with SMB. We further
explored the local structural flexibility in a mutationally stabilized
PAI-1 variant (14-1B) as well as the effect of stabilizing antibody
Mab-1 on wild-type PAI-1. The three modes of stabilizing PAI-1 (SMB,
Mab-1, and the mutations in 14-1B) all cause a delayed latency transition,
and this effect was accompanied by unique signatures on the flexibility
of PAI-1. Reduced flexibility in the region around helices B, C, and
I was seen in all three cases, which suggests an involvement of this
region in mediating structural flexibility necessary for the latency
transition. These data therefore add considerable depth to our current
understanding of the local structural flexibility in PAI-1 and provide
novel indications of regions that may affect the functional stability
of PAI-1