Summary of general body conditions and clinical signs.
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<p>Percentage of days with at least one individual with each symptom for chimpanzees (N = 132 days) and gorillas (N = 188 days). <i>Wounds</i> consisted of bites or cuts caused by falls from trees, intra and inter (only for gorillas, but caused by vegetation) group aggressive interactions. <i>Skin lesions</i> consisted in itchy white spots (sometimes with little crusts) on body and face of all group members, possibly produced by either a fungus or ringworms. <i>Worms in faeces</i>, in chimpanzees two <i>Bertiella</i> sp segments associated with whole leaves of <i>Aneilema aecquinoctiale</i>. <i>Diarrhoea</i>, in gorillas 2 cases caused by stress related during inter-group interactions, one severe case from a 2 year-old infant lasting two days, mild diarrhoea during dry season (N = 9). Asterisks indicate a different sample size for chimpanzees: *N = 127, ** N = 125.</p