Nonequilibrium Adsorption and Reorientation Dynamics of Molecules at Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces Probed via Real-Time Second Harmonic Generation


Nonequilibrium adsorption and subsequent reorientation of organic molecules at electrode/electrolyte interfaces are important steps in electrochemical reactions and other interfacial processes, yet real-time quantitative characterization and monitoring of these processes, particularly for the reorientation step, are still challenging experimentally. Herein, we investigated the nonequilibrium adsorption process of 4-(4-(diethylamino)­styryl)-<i>N</i>-methyl-pyridinium iodide (D289) molecules from acetonitrile solution onto a polycrystalline platinum electrode surface using real-time second harmonic generation (SHG) in combination with the potential step method. The time-dependent SHG curves exhibit two distinct regimes, which were interpreted with a two-step adsorption model consisting of a fast adsorption and a slow reorientation step for D289 on the surface. D289 was assumed to initially adsorb in an orientation perpendicular to the surface and then reorient to a parallel orientation. We derived a quantitative mathematical expression containing a biexponential function to fit the temporal SHG curves and obtain the rate constants for the two steps. The rate constants for fast adsorption and the slower reorientation processes show similar potential-dependent behavior: the rate decreases with an increase in the negative potential. We further proposed a molecular mechanism involving the displacement of D289 and CH<sub>3</sub>CN molecules adsorbed on the electrode interface to explain this potential-dependent behavior. On the basis of such analysis, we obtained a detailed picture of the adsorption of D289 molecules on the Pt electrode/CH<sub>3</sub>CN electrolyte, which consists of three consecutive steps: diffusion, adsorption, and reorientation. The results of this study may shed light on adsorption mechanisms at the electrode/electrolyte interface as well as at biological and other functional material interfaces

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