Monte Carlo Study of Polyelectrolyte
Adsorption on
Mixed Lipid Membrane
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Monte Carlo simulations are employed to investigate the
of a flexible linear cationic polyelectrolyte onto a fluid mixed membrane
containing neutral (phosphatidyl-choline, PC), multivalent (phosphatidylinositol,
PIP<sub>2</sub>), and monovalent (phosphatidylserine, PS) anionic
lipids. We systematically study the effect of chain length and charge
density of the polyelectrolyte, the solution ionic strength, as well
as the membrane compositions on the conformational and interfacial
properties of the model system. In particular, we explore (i) the
adsorption/desorption limit, (ii) the interfacial structure variations
of the adsorbing polyelectrolyte and the lipid membrane, and (iii)
the overcharging of the membrane. Polyelectrolyte adsorbs on the membrane
when anionic lipid demixing entropy loss and polyelectrolyte flexibility
loss due to adsorption are dominated by electrostatic attraction between
polyelectrolyte and anionic lipids on the membrane. Polyelectrolytes
with longer chain length and higher charge density can adsorb on the
membrane with increased anionic lipid density under a higher critical
ionic concentration. Below the critical ionic concentration, the adsorption
extent increases with the charge density and chain length of the polyelectrolyte
and decreases with the ionic strength of the solution. The diffusing
anionic lipids prohibit the polyelectrolyte chain from forming too
long tails. The adsorbing polyelectrolyte with long chain length and
high charge density can overcharge a membrane with low charge density,
and conversely, the membrane charge inversion forces the polyelectrolyte
chain to form extended loops and tails in the solution