ctnnb1Δex3 is produced in melanoblasts and SMC cells of E18.5 DA.
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<p>(A) The expression of β-catenin (<i>bcat</i>), <i>Mitf-M</i> (melanoblasts) and <i>Hprt</i> (loading control) was analyzed by RT-PCR on mRNA isolated from WT ( = Tyr::Cre/°; +/+) and mut ( = ctnnb1Δex3 = Tyr::Cre/°; f3/+) DA at E18.5. M corresponds to the size marker. The “a” band (479 bp) corresponds to the non-recombined β-catenin cDNA or WT, whereas the “b” band (251 bp) corresponds to the recombined β-catenin cDNA or ctnnb1Δex3. <i>Ptgs2</i> (<i>Cox2</i>) is weakly expressed in WT and mutant DA. (B) Schematic of the WT versus mut <i>bcat</i> amplicons. (C–H) Immunolocalization of β-catenin in red (C, E, F, H), β-galactosidase in green (D, E, G, H) and DAPI in blue (E, H) in WT-Dct (C–E) and ctnnb1Δex3-Dct (F–H) sections of E18.5 DA. Note that β-catenin is found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus of ctnnb1Δex3-Dct DA.</p