Characteristics of 21 published prospective studies of t-PA antigen, D-dimer and VWF.


<p><b>Abbreviations:</b><b>AmB</b>, American Bioproducts; <b>AmD</b>, American Diagnostica; <b>AP</b>, angina pectoris; <b>ARIC</b>, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study; <b>BRHS</b>, British Regional Heart Study; <b>BWHHS</b>, British Women’s Heart and Health Study; <b>Caerphilly</b>, Caerphilly Prospective Study; <b>CHD</b>, coronary heart disease endpoint (composed of nonfatal myocardial infarction and coronary death); <b>CHS</b>, Cardiovascular Health Study; <b>CS</b>, coronary surgery; <b>DStago</b>, Diagnostica Stago; <b>EAS</b>, Edinburgh Artery Study; <b>ELISA</b>, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; <b>FHS</b>, Framingham Heart Study; <b>Fletcher</b>, Fletcher Challenge Study; <b>Glostrup</b>, Glostrup population studies; <b>IRE</b>, Ireland; <b>IT</b>, immunoturbidometry; <b>MESA</b>, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; <b>MI</b>, myocardial infarction; <b>NPHS-I</b>, Northwick Park Heart Study I; <b>NSHDS</b>, Northern Sweden Health and Diseases Study cohort; <b>PHS</b>, Physicians’ Health Study; <b>PRIME</b>, Prospective Epidemiological Study of Myocardial Infarction; <b>PROSPER</b>, Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk; <b>NI</b>, Northern Ireland; <b>NL</b>, Netherlands; <b>NR</b>, not reported; <b>NZ</b>, New Zealand; <b>R&D Sys</b>, R&S Systems; <b>RE</b>, rocket electrophoresis; <b>Rotterdam</b>, Rotterdam Study; <b>SCO</b>, Scotland; <b>Speedwell</b>, Speedwell Study; <b>Three-City</b>, Three-City cohort study; <b>WHI</b>, Women’s Health Initiative; <b>WOSCOPS</b>, The West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study.</p>*<p>Reports with two different study baselines and non-overlapping follow-up periods are available.</p>†<p>Median.</p>‡<p>Maximum.</p>§<p>Range.</p>||<p>Geometric mean.</p

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