Estimation of the quality of the mapping onto KEGG maps by performing a re-prediction of the annotation of <i>S. pombe</i> proteome through intermediary data set consisting of one, two, three, or 18 fungal proteomes.
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<p>The KO - <i>S. pombe</i> association pairs obtained by “blasting” an intermediary data set were evaluated <i>a posteriori</i> as true positive (TP) or false positive (FP) according to the KO - <i>S. pombe</i> mapping which is provided by KEGG. Those missed KO - <i>S. pombe</i> pairs existing in KEGG were taken as false negatives (FN). The overall quality of the obtained mapping can be expressed in terms of precision TP/(TP+FP) and recall TP/(TP+FN).</p