Hazard ratios and confidence intervals for the risk of overall and different types of cancer for standardized log overall mean glucose and fructosamine.
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*<p>Interaction between glucose and fructosamine in relation to cancer risk.</p>1<p>Standardized log glucose and fructosamine were each analyzed in separated models; adjusted for age.</p>2<p>Adjusted for age, sex, SES, fasting status, history of diabetes, lung and cardiovascular disease, serum albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides.</p>3<p>Subcohort of those with BMI values (N = 2,828).</p>4<p>Subcohort of nondiabetic persons, defined as those with serum glucose level <7.0 mmol/L at all measurements and without registered hospital discharge diagnosis of diabetes mellitus prior to the date of last measurement (N = 10,743); not adjusted for history of diabetes.</p>5<p>Subcohort of fasting persons; not adjusted for fasting status (N = 5,026);</p>6<p>Stratified analysis by glucose tertiles to evaluate the interaction between glucose and fructosamine; standardized log glucose was not included in the model.</p>7<p>Sex-stratified analysis in men; not adjusted for sex.</p>8<p>Sex-stratified analysis in women; not adjusted for sex; adjusted for parity and age at first childbirth.</p